Solving the Mystery of Temperature Fluctuations Throughout Your Home

Does it seem like some rooms in your home are always a little warmer or cooler than the rest? It can be frustrating to have uneven temperatures throughout your home and it could be costing you more on your energy bills. Temperature fluctuations between zones or rooms in your home can be caused by many different issues, making it a mystery for some homeowners. Here are some common contributors to this issue to help you solve the climate-control mystery.

Location of the Thermostat

Every room has different impacts on the temperature. Rooms on one side of the home may get morning sunshine, while the other side warms up in the afternoon. Where the thermostat is located in relation to these factors can impact the different temperatures felt in each room.

A zoning system with sensors in each room can alleviate this issue. This can be accomplished with dampers in ductwork that cut off rooms that are too warm or too cold due to their location. Mini-splits can also be used to create single zones.

Ductwork Difficulties

One of the main reasons for fluctuations in temperature in different rooms is ductwork issues. Before the early 2000’s, many ductwork systems were installed without the right framework and support, leading to leaks down the road. This can account for many differences in temperature from room to room and also means air is coming in or leaking out, creating less efficiency.

To determine the reason for your temperature fluctuations, contact your local HVAC service and have an energy evaluation and inspection completed on your system. Not only can fixing these issues create improved comfort in your home, it can lower your energy bills for substantial savings.

Posted on behalf of:
ClimateSmith, LLC
1925 Lena Carter Road
Buford, GA 30519
(770) 475-9528

Thermostat Placement

If you are installing a new programmable thermostat, make sure find a good location where it can accurately measure the temperature inside your home.  Similarly, if your current thermostat has problems keeping the temperature in your home even throughout the day, check its placement.  A thermostat only knows what the temperature is where it is located and if it is placed in a location subject to temperature swings, it will not read your indoor air temperature accurately and you may experience uneven heating and cooling.

A thermostat should be mounted about 5 feet from the floor to get a good average reading from floor to ceiling.  Warm air rises so temperatures in your home will naturally be warmer toward the ceiling and cooler at the floor.

The thermostat should also be located where it is not affected by heated or cooled air blowing from the registers.  Locating a thermostat too close to a register will cause your system to cycle on off too frequently and some areas of your home will never reach the appropriate temperature.

Also, keep light fixtures several feet away from your thermostat.  An incandescent light bulb can raise the nearby air temperature several degrees and affect your thermostat’s temperature reading.  The same is true for the sun.  If your thermostat is located where it receives direct sunlight for more than a few minutes, it will cause the thermostat to read high on sunny days.

Finally, mount thermostats well away from exterior doors and windows and away from kitchens to avoid inaccurate readings.  An interior hallway often makes an ideal location for a thermostat.  If you think you need to move your thermostat, talk to your local HVAC contractor or an electrician.