Maintain Your Furnace and Prevent Repairs

As with most systems of any importance, keeping your HVAC or furnace system well maintained is paramount to avoiding big and potentially expensive breakdowns in the future. Of course, when we’re talking about providing heat to your home in the middle of winter’s coldest temperatures, there is no convenient time for a failure of your home’s heating system. 

The best way, according to all the experts, to prevent future costly residential furnace repairs is to annually schedule a tune-up of your furnace. Furthermore, not only can your local HVAC professional contractor ensure that your system is operating safely at maximum efficiency, thereby saving you up to 10% in heating costs for the year, but your heating professional will be able to catch and address small problems before they become big problems. Some technicians have reported that the majority of their furnace repair calls have resulted from dirty motors, caused by failure to replace the furnace filter when it is dirty. 

Given the hazardous nature of the furnace system, it is not advisable to perform maintenance on the furnace yourself. Limit your involvement to checking and replacing the furnace filter about once a month, checking the heating registers to make sure they are not blocked by furniture or other objects, close the heating vents in unused rooms, and monitor the thermostat to save energy by keeping it low at night and even lower when no one is home. 

 Keeping your HVAC system well maintained will not only ensure that it is operating at optimal safety and efficiency levels, but it will also help to add to the longevity of your furnace. Above all, if you do develop problems or concerns with your heating system, call your local HVAC professional to schedule a service call as soon as possible.

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