Why Your Furnace Filter Is Important

Both the forced-heated air we use in the winter and our central air conditioning flows through the house in the same ducting in most of our HVAC systems.  And, as mundane as they look, our HVAC systems could not properly do the job they are intended to do without an appropriate air filter. Many homes today are also equipped with air exchange systems that literally exchange the air in our homes without our awareness. All of the air that we breathe in our homes, regardless of the season, flows directly through the furnace filter. 

As you can see, an extremely important component of your HVAC system maintenance is that this filter be changed, at the very least, every three months if not monthly. Your air filter has a major affect on the quality of the health and safety of your indoor air, as well as the efficiency of your cooling system. If you suffer from allergies, or have pets at home, it is even more important to remember to change your filter regularly. When your filter becomes dirty from the gradual build-up of trapped particles, it becomes more difficult for air to get through which will ultimately increase your energy bill and decrease the lifespan of your HVAC system. 

Furthermore, there are several different kinds of filters today and having the right furnace filter for your home may also contribute more to your comfort.  You can choose from the relatively inexpensive disposable fiberglass filters, disposable pleated or electrostatic, permanent electrostatic or high-efficiency pleated. Be sure to discuss these options with your local HVAC professional to make sure that you filter meets the individual needs of your home..

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