Is Your HVAC System Ready For Winter?

With colder months ahead, now is the time to make sure that your HVAC system is ready to keep you warm and cozy through the winter. Even newer HVAC systems need regular maintenance to keep them running efficiently. Nobody wants their heating system tofail in the middle of a cold snap; not only is it inconvenient, it is also when HVAC technicians are the busiest and may not be able to quickly get out to fix your problem. Like most mechanical systems, preventative maintenance can save you money and time by fixing issues before they become expensive problems. 

Winter Maintenance Items

There are a few items on your HVAC system that should be checked or replaced before the coldest months of the year are upon you. Some you may be able to do yourself, however regular annual residential HVAC maintenance should be performed by a professional. 

  • Filters. Many filters on HVAC systems need to be cleaned or replaced monthly, or every three months at maximum. Before the cold sets in, make sure your filters are clean and ready for duty.
  • Thermostat. One of the most common problems in a heating unit is the failure of the thermostat. While HVAC systems can last decades, the thermostats often need replacing more often.
  • Duct cleaning. Through the year, dust and bacteria can build up in your air ducts. Before blowing these contaminants around your home, have your ducts cleaned for a healthy winter. 

Not only can maintenance prevent breakdowns, it can also save on energy bills. By having your HVAC cleaned and maintained before the winter months, it should run more efficiently and be ready to handle your heating needs until spring arrives.

Posted on behalf of James Smith, ClimateSmith LLC
