Is Your Air Conditioning Broken Down Again?

There comes a point in the life of an air conditioning unit when it’s more cost efficient to replace the system than to have it repaired yet again. This is especially true of units that are ten years or older. The level of efficiency has changed substantially in the last decade in almost all A/C units, making them more energy-friendly and cost effective. If your air conditioning system is constantly having problems, it may be time to switch to a newer, more efficient model instead of paying another repair bill. 

Signs It Is Time For A New A/C Unit

Beyond constant breakdowns and high energy bills, there are some other signs that it may be time to invest in a new A/C unit. It is possible that the unit will no longer be able to be repaired enough to limp along through the rest of the summer. Some of these signs include: 

  • Uneven temperatures. If your home has hot and cool areas or rooms instead of an even temperature, it can be a sign that your unit is either too large for your home or is ready to be replaced. It is very common for homes to be equipped with a unit that is too large, causing it to cycle too quickly. Getting a new, more efficient model which is sized correctly can improve the air temperature consistency while reducing your energy bills.
  • Running loud. An A/C unit that is getting noisier is a good sign it may be on its last leg. The banging, clanking and other noises you hear are often the tell-tale signs that components inside the unit are wearing out. 

Instead of waiting for the inevitable death of an old air conditioner, most likely on a hot day when it is almost impossible to get a new one installed immediately, call your HVAC professional today to begin shopping for a new unit.

Posted on behalf of James Smith, ClimateSmith LLC
