Why Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

It’s completely normal for your air conditioner to create water through condensation when it’s working properly. But, if you are finding pools of water near your air conditioner, you may have a problem. While shutting off the unit will stop the problem for the moment, you need to address the underlying issue. Understanding why your air conditioning unit may be leaking can help you solve the problem. 

Why Air Conditioners Create Water

We have all seen what happens to a cold glass of water on a hot day. Water condenses on the outside of the glass, dripping down the sides onto the surface below. The same is true of an air conditioning unit. As refrigerant expands and cools inside the air conditioning unit’s coils, cooling the air that is pushed out of the unit, this causes condensation on the outside of the coils. This water then drips into a drain pan that should be draining the water outside. However, if this drain line becomes clogged, that water can overflow onto the floor near your air conditioner. 

This back-up of water can damage your floor and also cause problems with your air conditioning unit. If you know where your drain line is, you can attempt to remove the clog yourself. However, if you are not sure where it is or cannot access it, it’s time to call your air conditioning service company. They can perform a full inspection to make sure the unit is working properly, remove any clogs from the drain line and ensure no more damage is caused to your home or unit from the backed up water.

Posted on behalf of James Smith, ClimateSmith LLC


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