Residential HVAC Service Marietta GA

While mold can cause a host of respiratory problems and dramatically affect the air quality in your home, it’s also a relatively common complaint among homeowners. Mold growth is particularly problematic for those with asthma or other issues that compromise the respiratory system, as well as some other health problems. With just the right amount of moisture, mold can begin to thrive in any area of your home. The HVAC system is no exception. 

Keeping up with regular HVAC system maintenance and scheduling routine inspections can help you track down and deal with any mold forming in your HVAC system. Make sure that condensation is draining properly, that drip pans and lines are not obstructed and that any blowers, plenums and air handlers are completely moisture-free. These things will generally be inspected during your annual maintenance inspection. 

Mold can begin to form in as little as forty-eight hours under favorable conditions, and will continue to spread if it’s not detected. Any porous materials like filters and insulation should be removed by a licensed professional and handled with care, while all standing water is removed from the system. Registers, ducts and vents should be cleaned with detergent and water, and you should run a vacuum cleaner with a high-quality filter through your home carefully to remove any remaining spores. Remember, even dead spores can cause health problems. 

If you suspect that there’s mold growing in your HVAC system, it’s important that you contact a licensed HVAC professional in your area to schedule a full inspection and diagnosis. An experienced professional will be able to give you an idea of where to start, and can help you eradicate your mold problem once and for all.

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