Replace Heat Exchanger or Install New Furnace?

If your furnace has a cracked heat exchanger, you have two options:  you can either replace the heat exchanger or install a new furnace.  Doing nothing and continuing to use your existing furnace is not a safe option.

A cracked heat exchanger is dangerous.  It can leak deadly carbon monoxide into your home and cause you and your family to suffer from carbon monoxide poison.  Every year, thousands of Americans are hospitalized for carbon monoxide poisoning and about 400 people are killed every year by this deadly gas.

Replacing the heat exchanger is a relatively expensive furnace repair, but it is less expensive than installing a new furnace.  While this might seem like the obvious choice, there is more to consider than just the cost of the repair.  Installing a new furnace might cost more up front, but it could save you money in the long run.

Most cracked heat exchangers are found in older furnaces.  Furnaces that are more than 15 years old are much less efficient than modern furnaces.  Older gas furnaces are often only 55 percent to 65 percent efficient.  The minimum efficiency rating for a new gas furnace is 78 percent and can be as high as 97 percent.

Higher efficiency means lower heating costs and these savings can add up.  You could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars over the life of your new furnace.  These savings would more than cover the cost difference between replacing the heat exchanger and installing a new furnace.

Your HVAC contractor can help you decide whether replacing the heat exchanger or installing a new energy efficient furnace is the right choice for you.

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