Energy Efficiency Benefit Of Heat Pumps

While the classic combination of air conditioning and a furnace may be necessary for regions with hot summers and cold winters, homeowners in many regions can save money by owning a heat pump. This is particularly true of the southern regions, which typically have mild winters paired with hot summers. Heat pumps use less energy to operate, especially in the winter, offering substantial energy savings for many homeowners. 

How Heat Pumps Work

What makes a heat pump efficient is its ability to use the warm air both inside and outside a home to cool or heat the interior air as needed. During the summer, heat pumps absorb hot air and transfer it outside to cool the inside of the home. In the winter, the exact opposite is true, with heat pumps absorbing heat from outside and transferring inside to warm the air. 

This absorption of warmth is more energy efficient, especially in the winter. Instead of needing excessive amounts of gas or electricity to warm the air like a furnace, the heat pump is utilizing the warm air already available. In regions that rarely see temperatures below freezing, heat pumps can be an effective and efficient option to keep indoor air comfortable all year round. 

For homeowners in moderate winter climates, choosing a heat pump over other HVAC options may save on monthly energy bills while still providing their homes with the perfect temperatures throughout the summer and winter. To determine whether a heat pump may be a good option for your home, talk to your local HVAC service professional to schedule an assessment of your current system versus the many heat pumps that are available.

Posted on behalf of James Smith, ClimateSmith LLC


Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are a very popular HVAC system in use throughout the United States due to their effectiveness in heating and cooling, as well as their being very cost effective to operate.  In general, heat pumps work by transferring heat from the air or the ground to create either heating or cooling for the home, depending upon if the mode that the system is operating in.  The reason for their efficiency is that they are not burning any fuel create heat, but  use just enough energy to facilitate the transfer of the heat found in the air or ground.  Heat pumps are an excellent choice for homes found in a warm to hot climates. 

There are a two type of heat pump systems, which are defined by the means which backup heat is provided.  The first is a dual-fuel system, which utilizes a gas furnace as a backup, while the second is a traditional heat pump that utilizes electric heat as a backup.  In a dual-fuel system, when temperatures fall below freezing the gas furnace kicks in, but at times when the temperature is above freezing the heat pump is providing the heating.   In a traditional heat pump, when temperatures fall below freezing the electric heater kicks in, but at times when the temperature is above freezing the heat pump is providing the heating.  Many qualified HVAC contractors are going to recommend the dual-fuel heat pump, because they are by far the most efficient when temperatures fall below freezing. 

A qualified and licensed HVAC contractor will be able to provide their professional opinion as to the suitability of a heat pump based HVAC system for your home and if it is the right choice to meet your family’s needs.