Avoiding Common Air Conditioner Problems

It always happens on the hottest day of the summer. In the midst of the sweltering heat, your air conditioner goes out, blowing hot air instead of cold. What is more frustrating is that hundreds of other air conditioners have also gone out in your city on the same day, causing a backup of service calls to every HVAC repair company in the area. The majority of air conditioner breakdowns fall under only a few categories of repairs, many that can easily be avoided through preventative maintenance. 

Common Air Conditioner Problems

There are only a few things that will cause your air conditioner to stop working. Some are easily fixed, while others require a professional technician to repair or replace. Some of the most common issues include: 

  • Refrigerant. If your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, it’s leaking or was not fully charged when it was installed, it will malfunction. Adding refrigerant without evaluating the cause of the loss is not the solution, however. It needs to be inspected for leaks and charged to the correct manufacturer specifications.
  • Sensor. An air conditioner which is running constantly or erratically may have a broken or misplaced sensor. Most units have a thermostat sensor which measures the temperature of the air before it enters the unit. If this gets moved or stops working properly, the unit will not cool correctly.
  • Electrical failure. Both the electrical controls and fan can wear out over time, especially when the unit turns on and off frequently. This is common in homes where the unit is too large for the space it is cooling. 

The best way to avoid any of these problems is to have preventative HVAC maintenance performed by an HVAC professional before the summer heat hits. They can inspect the unit, replace filters and repair any problems ahead of time, so you can enjoy your cool home all summer.

Posted on behalf of James Smith, ClimateSmith LLC


Tips for Keeping Summer Cooling Costs Down

Yes, summer is on its way! With continually rising energy costs, here are some easy ways to keep those cooling costs down, without giving up the air conditioning on those hot evenings.

Plug up any holes. On those warm summer days, you don’t want to cool the neighborhood with your air conditioner. Foam and caulking can help seal problem areas, as well as extra insulation.  Lighten the load of your air conditioning unit by shutting the doors and vents of unused rooms in your home. Also, it will be easier for your air conditioner to maintain a cooler temperature in your home if you keep the shades and curtains on your windows closed to prevent the sun from shining in. This is especially important for those windows on the west side of your house, which would receive the sun during the hottest part of the day.

Keeping the filters clean on your air conditioning units will help them to work more efficiently.  Consider programming your thermostat to allow the temperature in your home to rise during the day if no one is home. Unplug all electronics that are not being used or use a Smart Strip that cuts power when it’s not needed. Electronics, turned off but plugged in, can still draw power from the outlets. Consider other means of cooking instead of turning on your oven, which heats up the rest of your house and overworks your air conditioner.  Taking cooler showers in the summertime will also save on costs over time.

Finally, bring in an air conditioning professional to service your HVAC system once a year and have them check for potential problems that could hinder efficiency (like mold or rusting). Your home may also benefit from an overall check by a professional energy auditor.