Compare Costs With Efficiency For Lowest Overall Expense

When choosing a new heating and air conditioning system for your home, you will have a range of choices including various levels of energy efficiency.  Energy efficiency varies not only between types of systems such as heat pumps compared to a central air conditioner/furnace systems, but also within the same type of equipment .  Central air conditioners, furnaces, and heat pumps are all available in varying levels of efficiency.

Installing the highest efficiency heating and cooling system available may be the environmentally responsible thing to do, but from a financial stand point higher efficiency does not always equal cost savings.  Each manufacturer offers several different models of energy efficient heating and cooling systems.  The higher the efficiency of the unit, the more expensive it will be.

The question becomes “will you save enough money on your energy bills by going with the higher efficiency model to offset the added cost of the unit. This is not an easy question to answer because it depends on so many variables including what the climate is like where you live, how well your home has been weather proofed, the cost of energy in your area, and how long the equipment is expected to last.

Your HVAC contractor can help you decide, but in general if you live in an area where heavy use of the air conditioner or heating system is the norm such as New Mexico or Minnesota, it most likely pays to go with the higher efficiency unit.  On the other hand, if you live in a temperate climate such as Portland Oregon, you will come out ahead financially by going with the less expensive, lower efficiency system.