The Best Times of Year For A Heating & Air-Conditioning System Check

The efficient performance of your heating and air-conditioning system requires preventative maintenance.

Systems that are poorly maintained almost always increase your energy costs, expenses, and the chance of premature system failure. Furthermore, regular residential HVAC maintenance  is less expensive than repair and replacement costs.

It’s excellent practice to have your residential heating and air-conditioning system serviced each year. And as a rule, it’s best to schedule your annual system’s check before you need to use it. Typically, spring or fall seasons are ideal because once the winter (heating) and summer (cooling) seasons are in full force, service professionals are quite busy. Therefore, to save yourself the hassle and time, schedule your check before everyone does.

An easy and helpful way to remember when to schedule preventative maintenance each year is by planning to have it done with the time changes.

  • Spring check-ups will be scheduled when you set the clock forward.
  • Fall check-ups will be scheduled when you set the clock back.

Here’s an excellent checklist for preventative maintenance:

  • Controls and thermostat settings should be checked to ensure proper and efficient functioning.
  • Drains should be inspected for and cleared of any blockages.
  • All moving parts should be lubricated to ensure efficient running of the motor.
  • Coils, burners, and blower components should be cleaned. Any damaged equipment needs to be repaired or replaced.
  • Air conditioning should be checked for proper levels of refrigerant.
  • Ensure duct work is inspected for damage.

Lastly, it’s important to do your part by cleaning or changing your filters every month.

Posted on behalf of James Smith, ClimateSmith LLC


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