Improving Air Quality In Your Home

Air pollution is not just an outdoor air problem in urban areas; it can also be inside your own home. There are many pollutants which are common in the air you breathe that have nothing to do with automotive or industrial waste products. Your home can be home to mold, viruses, pet dander and dust floating in the air, which can irritate allergies and even cause illnesses. Fortunately, there are ways you can improve the air quality of your home, making it a healthier place for you and your family. 

Steps To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Any home can have an accumulation of air pollutants if proper cleaning and maintenance are not performed. Our own skin creates dust in the air, moisture can create mildew or mold and pets emit dander from their fur, causing a continuous build up of pollutants in your home. While it is impossible to eliminate all these elements, you can reduce the amount through a few simple steps: 

  • Cleaning. Vacuuming regularly reduces dust and dander, especially using a vacuum with a HEPA air filter. In addition, dusting surfaces with a damp cloth can also remove many pollutants that could enter the air.
  • Air Ducts. Air ducts can become encrusted with mold, mildew and dust, recycling these contaminants back into your home. Regular air duct cleaning can remove these pollutants from your home.
  • Air Filters. Your HVAC air filter needs to be replaced as recommended by the manufacturer. If you have people with allergies in your home, you may want to upgrade to a higher performance air filter, such as a HEPA filter to remove more pollutants from the air. 

Before summer allergens hit, schedule a routine duct cleaning and filter inspection or replacement. This is the perfect time to remove the pollutants that have built up over the winter in your home,  making it a safer and healthier place to live.

Posted on behalf of Western Aire

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