How Important is Good Insulation?

Does it seem like it is difficult to keep your home the perfect temperature? It is not always the HVAC system that is the problem; it could be the insulation in your home. Many homes are not well-insulated, especially in milder climate regions. Home builders often skimp on the insulation to save money in areas that do not have extreme cold, making it difficult to maintain the comfort level when it gets too hot or too cold outside. Insulating your home can have a dramatic impact on the ease of maintaining your perfect indoor climate and save you money on your energy bills.

Benefits of Insulating Your Home

Adding insulation to your attic, crawl space and any accessible exterior walls can have a dramatic impact on the comfort of your home. Insulation creates a barrier that seals the air inside of your home from the outside. This helps you maintain the preferred temperature inside longer, using less fuel or energy to heat or cool your home. This can have a big impact on your energy bills all year round, making it a worthwhile investment that can pay for itself over a few years.

In addition to making your home more comfortable and efficient, insulation also works as a sound barrier. This reduces the noise levels coming from outside, or the noise that leaves your home. This helps maintain a more private environment, especially in compact neighborhoods where homes are close together.

If your home has poor insulation, consider adding more to improve the comfort, efficiency and privacy of your home. Talk to your local HVAC service company that offers insulation services to learn more about the benefits insulating your home.

Posted on behalf of:
ClimateSmith, LLC
5950 Shiloh Road East
Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 475-9555

Could Insulating Your Home Save You Money?

Does it seem like your energy bill is too high? It may be due to poor insulation inside your home. Many homes are built without adequate insulation that can lead to open airways that impact the temperature of the home. It is never too late to add insulation to improve the energy efficiency of your home. Retain better heat in the winter and keep cool in the summer by investing in insulation in your home.

Insulation uses a poor conductor of heat to create a barrier between the interior of your home and the weather outside. Most insulation is created from fiberglass that is made from spun glass fibers. Glass is one of the best options for insulation since it is naturally a poor conductor of heat and is safe for home construction. It is used in blown and rolled insulation, creating a barrier that keeps homes cool or warm as needed.

When adding insulation to an existing home, blown insulation is often the most efficient option. It can be added into walls, attics and crawls spaces to block airways that let in the heat or cold from the outside. Once in place, insulation will perform for decades, making it a worthwhile investment. The savings on your heating and cooling bill can easily pay for this improvement to your home in a matter of just a few years or less. It also puts less stress on your HVAC system, saving you money on maintenance, repairs and replacement.

Stopping wasting energy and money in your home. Call your local HVAC expert that offers insulation installation to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Posted on behalf of:
ClimateSmith, LLC
5950 Shiloh Road East
Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 475-9555